Our Mission (why we exist for God’s glory)
Our Values (what we do)
With thankfulness, this 2021 report is a celebration of the graciousness of God and His faithfulness to us as He has sustained us, provided for us, and accomplished His purposes.
In Colossians 3 we are reminded we have been raised with Christ to seek the things of Christ. Encouraged to put on Christ, Paul tells us to live with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, above all, love. When his list is completed, he simply yet profoundly states, “and be thankful.”
And be thankful. To be thankful is not to deny life's sad and restless moments. We miss loved ones who have passed from this life and acknowledge personal battles, from illnesses, to spiritual struggles or overwhelming life circumstances. We have a sense of a growing panic of darkness in our world as we watch many live as if there is no God. We know the groaning of this life as many are oppressed, suffering for the faith, living in fear or displacement. We all experience spiritual battles from our flesh, the world and attacks of spiritual powers. It is no wonder Paul encourages us to find a thankful heart and voice.
And be thankful. An aspect of thankfulness in Scripture is to know the precious value of the local church family, a gathering together online or in person, to love, care, serve, encourage and journey together in and with the great gospel of Jesus. Often hidden from plain sight is the activity of "togetherness" as the church family studies and prays together, serves and lives (an often messy) life together, worships and witnesses together. And that is our prayer as pastors and elders, and we trust as a church family – we would be thankful and grow together so we may be encouraged in community and loved in the name of Jesus. We pray you reach out so you may live together in the gospel..
And be thankful. As I write this, I am thankful for Pastors Byron and Tyler, who have settled into the church well and serve with a compassionate spirit and giftedness; for Audra as she serves the church family with her administrative skills and caring heart; for Isaiah as he leads the music teams; and for a number of our interns who love the church and are available to serve. I’m thankful for the elders who work diligently behind the scenes as they seek to be faithful overseers and under-shepherd's; for the deacons who meet to serve you as they care for the vulnerable and for our new building; for so many volunteers, from those who serve in the nursery, lead Bible studies, welcome people into the building and then care for them while in our presence. We are thankful for those who serve behind the scenes, whether on various committees or helping with our online presence. We are thankful for M2M, our various missionaries, our outreach to serve those around us.
We are thankful to be together to serve. Thank you for serving together in the name of Jesus.
Pastor David Robinson, Lead Pastor
Pastor Byron Burton, Associate Pastor
Pastor Tyler Oldrieve, Associate Pastor
On the heels of the myriad of changes we have navigated together in 2020 due to COVID, it was fair to say at the outset of 2021 that the only thing of which we could be certain was the uncertainty ahead. Without downplaying the challenge of such a time, it has been an excellent venue to showcase God's faithfulness, and for us to praise Him in His sovereignty. The Elders have been blessed to be in His care, to experience His grace through His people as we have sought to lead & care for them for His glory, and to be reminded to set our minds on things above rather than earthly things (Col 3:1-3).
Remembering God's faithfulness in the difficulties of the year behind us, we look to the year ahead trusting in Him to uphold us, and in the hope that our suffering has produced (Rom 5:3-5). God is ever at work in our lives and in the world, and there us much about which to be hopeful. Having seen the grace & care of God's people for us and for each other throughout this season, we feel hope in God growing His people in Christ-likeness. In continuing to put down roots and build new relationships in our location, we feel hope in the advancement of the Gospel into the community. In taking ownership of this building, we feel hope in the work undertaken to care for the house in which we worship Him. We covet your prayers for wisdom & courage as we continue to strive to stand firm for the truth, boldly proclaim the gospel and care well for God's people.
Adam K, Chairman; Simon B. Secretary; Nick D. Treasurer; Alex D.; Nandor W.; David R. Lead Pastor; Tyler O. Associate Pastor; Byron B. Associate Pastor
What a gift it is to come together each week and worship God together through the preaching, singing and prayer of His Word. In 2021, we journeyed through the book of Acts, parts of Psalms and focused on the mercy and grace Jesus brings our attention to at the manger. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper together, rejoiced with one another and even grieved loss together. All of this we did as we gathered, worshipped God, and cared for one another.
“Attending GBC has been a true blessing and a gift. GBC has helped me build a strong biblical foundation as a new believer and each sermon keeps my fire for the Lord stoked and my relationship with Christ strong. My hunger for the word of God is met every week and allows me to dig deeper during the week in personal study and prayer. GBC has also taught me the importance of community fellowship and this has helped me navigate my new life with Christ. I am so thankful and blessed to have been led to GBC though the providence of God.” -Jassie
Check out some of our sermons as we journeyed through the book of Acts, parts of Psalms and reflected during Christmas 2021 on Mercy at the Manger.
Average Weekly 2021 Attendance
“Attending youth group has been such an amazing opportunity for me. I have loved having my friends come out for a time where we can grow and learn from each other. It has been an awesome experience offering us a time where we can have discussions as a group of believers where I know I can receive the support and love to grow as a believer in my faith.” -Tori
2021 was a stretching time for GBC Connection Groups - but we’ve been encouraged by the leaders who have stepped forward and persevered. And by hosts opening their homes and lives. And by members who have chosen to make their group a priority investment. After completing the “Love Your Church” material together in the fall, groups chose their own material from a recommended short list. Numbers continued to grow and reports came in of people participating and growing spiritually, and valuing their groups. Sometimes members (and leaders) get discouraged and are tempted to throw in the towel. But there is something so rewarding and encouraging when, in the words of Hebrews, we do “not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing”.
“Although we are new to GBC … we were an accepted part of the group and felt connected”
“Connection group has had a ripple effect on us in such a positive way.”
“This has been so helpful for my husband and I, and our spiritual growth.”
Our 2021 missions budget reflected a sizable increase over 2020. Due to the sensitivity of ministry in certain countries; we are unable to publish all the names in this report or on our website.
We have also been able to support some short-term missionaries, including Sydney Ross (Reign Ministries) and Breanna Philips (YWAM).
In 2021 our committee chair Jake Zwart stepped down from the committee. The elders are very thankful for Jake and Heathers’ support and leadership of the committee over the past number of years. We hope to meet more regularly this coming year, Lord willing. The committee (currently consisting of Joice Dunne, Jonathan Lapsley, Simon Broughton and Nick Dunne) are recruiting new members with a passion for missions. If you are interested, please contact any of the members listed above.
Please continue to pray for our missionaries and the work God had prepared them to do!
How can you serve in 2022 and beyond?
2021 was the first full year of owning and maintaining the building. Although there were some surprises in regards to the inside maintenance costs, the outside repairs were much less than expected, although work on the outside maintenance of the building will be required at various times over the next 5 years.
The stonework repairs on the outside of the building were completed. This accounted for approx. $120,000, which came out of available funds with no need to borrow.
Donations to the general fund were ahead of budget for 2021 by approx. $175,000 and donations to the building fund totalled $38,000. General offerings so far for 2022, are tracking on budget. The bank balance was $229,000 at the end of the year - an increase of $27,000 over 2020.
There are still some major expenditures anticipated, e.g. the boilers & HVAC system. This will consume a good portion of our available funds in hand in 2022.
Giving and Bank Balance Review
After witnessing the God ordained journey from Preston Parkway to Queen’s square which culminated with the leasing of this beautiful 1869 building in January 2019, GBC was blessed to have the opportunity to purchase the Knox’s Presbyterian church building in October 2020. In the summer of 2021, the Deacons commissioned a masonry firm to make the necessary repairs to the exterior stone work and we are pleased to know that with regular maintenance going forward, the building envelope is in good shape.
Recognizing that to maximize the current and future gospel focused ministry impact of GBC, the interior would need to be re-visioned and refreshed, in the summer of 2021, the Building Enhancement Committee was struck and a Request for Proposal (RFP) was drafted and distributed to five architecture firms. Three firms responded with interest and after due consideration, Larkin Architect Limited (LAL) was engaged to initiate a feasibility study including the drafting of designs for the renovation and enhancement of the entire interior space of the church building.
It has been a pleasure and a blessing working with Michael Nicolas-Schmidt and Teresa Tran through this re-imagining and design process which has culminated with the presentation of the design boards to the congregation on April 24th. Please take the time to view these on the GBC website. For interest, you may also wish to review some of the previous church renovation projects that LAL has completed. (www.larkinarchitect.com)
Although “high level” costing for this significant renovation project has been provided for discussion purposes, we have learned in the current extraordinarily busy construction environment, we need to engage a Construction Management firm to provide detailed, elemental costing and phasing for the project. Accordingly, in the past week, LAL has initiated a Construction Management RFP process, sending the RFP to six construction management firms for their review and response.
We look forward in anticipation to our next congregational meeting on May 29th, where we will provide further updates on project phasing, and respond to questions and comments that have been submitted since our last meeting on April 24th.
We do wish to thank the members of the Building Enhancement committee for the dedication of their time, effort, thought and prayer to this project. We are excited to witness the unfolding of the Lord’s plans for future ministry of GBC at Queen’s Square, Cambridge.
Building Enhancement Committee: Pastor David Robinson, Pastor Tyler Oldrieve, Nathan Wassink, Adam Kinsman, Lucinda Burton, Jeff Lavery, Tanya Pennings, Ian Ross