Our Mission (why we exist for God’s glory)
Our Values (what we do)
With thankfulness, this 2022 report is a celebration of the graciousness of God and His faithfulness to us as He has sustained us, provided for us, and accomplished His purposes.
We remain thankful for God’s faithfulness and kindness to us as a church family in 2022-23. After our transition from our Preston location to our exciting new downtown Galt setting and having experienced God’s kindness in the difficult journey through Covid, we are thankful to begin to settle. We are thankful to be introduced to many new people in various stages of their life and faith journey, trusting God’s goodness and wisdom as we grow together as a church family.
We are thankful for many who serve in various areas of the church, using their gifts both for the glory of God and the encouragement of God’s people. Even in these challenging days, we know God’s strength through His Word, prayer, Lord’s Supper and fellowship.
As a pastoral staff, we are extremely thankful for the work of Audra who is on the frontline of meeting people as they enter the church as well as her organizational skills which touch many areas of the church. We were thankful to welcome Haniel Davy and his family on staff as he picked up the role of congregational care. And interestingly, since Byron and Tyler were hired, this past church year was their first full year of “normal” ministry.
We look ahead with prayer to seek wisdom and strength being led by the Spirit. It is our prayer as a church family we may keep our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith … so that we won’t grow weary and give up (Hebrews 12).
Pastor David Robinson, Lead Pastor
Pastor Byron Burton, Associate Pastor
Pastor Tyler Oldrieve, Associate Pastor
2022 was full of celebrations and challenges both personal for our people and as a church. The elders exist to shepherd the people of God with grace and truth. Throughout 2022 we met monthly to discuss, shepherd and pray for GBC as well as study God’s word together in seeking his will for his church. We are thankful for our elders and their families and their contribution to the shepherding of the people and the building of the kingdom of God.
One of the greatest blessings & encouragements of participating in church leadership is to have a front row seat to the work that God is doing - His amazing and bountiful provision as He blesses His people, and His perfect loving care as He upholds His people through difficult seasons. Having just been through Hebrews together as a church family, we are grateful to have been reminded that God's faithfulness in the past is the foundation of our hope for the future (Heb 6:13-20). Despite having seen God fulfill His promises time and time again, the reminder is welcome that our hope will not put us to shame (Rom 5:5).
We therefore look to the year ahead with hope that God will equip us to minister and witness to the community in which He has placed us and that His name will be glorified there. We as Elders pray that He will enable us to care well for His people, and that He will raise up more leaders to share in this mission and be blessed by being a part of this work.
Romans 12:12
Elder Board Members:
Adam Kinsman (Chairman), Nandor Weisz (Vice-Chairman), Alex Dinca, David Robinson (Lead Pastor), Tyler Oldrieve (Associate Pastor), Byron Burton (Associate Pastor), Haniel Davy (Associate Pastor)
Our board of directors, comprised of some lay-elders and other individuals in our church looks after the legal and high-level organization needs of GBC. We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of this board over this past year in updating and implementing policies and structures to better serve GBC and our community.
Board of Directors Members:
Adam Kinsman, Nandor Weisz, Alex Dinca, Nick Dunne, Simon Broughton
We are grateful for our deacons and the many hours they put in behind the scenes serving the church. Our deacons keep the building and property functioning and care for the tangible benevolent needs of the congregation. They were able to meet regularly, keeping on top of what work needs to get done and helped many in need in our church and community. May God continue to use this team of dedicated individuals for His glory!
Deacon Board Members:
Nathan Wassink (Chairman), Charles Raju, James Hutton, Chad Mank, Mark Brouwer, Ken Bax, Karl Ritzmann
What a gift it is to come together each week and worship God together through the preaching, singing and prayer of His Word. In 2022, we wrapped up our journey through the book of Acts, studied Ephesians as well as some of the parables of Jesus, and came to see the story of the gospel from Eden to the New Jerusalem throughout the Christmas season. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper together, rejoiced with one another, and even grieved loss together. All of this we did as we gathered worshipping our great God.
“Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28) Through Grace Bible Church, these words of Jesus Christ came to life at just the right time as I trudged and wandered aimlessly in life - continually repeating the same mistakes while always hoping for a different outcome. GBC is a place where I can meet a weeping and laughing, Holy God, as he delights in me, his child. At GBC, God's Word, while never watered down and always filled with grace, is revealed faithfully to the hungry, the searching, the faint-hearted, and the weak - week after week. Is everything perfect within its walls? No - by no means. However, GBC is reflective of the body of Christ. We are a family of wounded and sinful believers who have placed our trust in Jesus Christ and purposely aim to live thankful lives to the glory of God, our Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit!” -Henry
Check out some of our sermons as we journeyed through the Word of God together.
Average Weekly 2022 Attendance
“ Grace Bible Church Youth has been a blessing for me this year. I love that I can have just that one more day a week to mature in my faith, and in my relationship with Jesus. I’m so thankful for all the leaders there, along with the friends that I have made, as they have helped me make the right Christ-centered decisions in my life.” - Colton
2022 was an encouraging year for GBC Connection Groups. God has blessed us with new groups and new leaders, and the number of involved participants has continued to grow. Stories of group members supporting each other through difficulties, new relationships forming, and a growing sense of family have been so good to hear. Thank you to leaders, hosts and members alike - together you have enabled the Connection ministry to thrive!
“Listening to others has really helped me understand how the Lord works in different ways in peoples lives”
“I was nervous about how we were going to connect and I’m so thankful that part was so easy when I didn’t know many of them to begin with”
“I am so glad I joined this connection group, it blessed me in many ways, helped me to connect … and helped me to grow in my faith with Bible studies that were very applicable to my life!”
“It was a great way to meet other people in the church that I didn't know before, and to feel a connection with them.”
What a joy it is to be involved in ministries around the world. We have made it our goal to focus our missions ministry to be involved in gospel ministry here in our community and around the world. During 2022 we were able to rebuild and restructure some of our goals as a ministry and establish a new committee of individuals passionate about missions work and dedicated to praying for and caring for our missions.
We were able to meet a few times throughout 2022 to continue to familiarize ourselves with the purpose and plan for the missions committee. One of our goals is to provide valuable information for the congregation in order to partner better with our missionaries and care for them on the field. We were thrilled to be able to have a few of our missionaries make presentations in our Sunday services and look forward to having more in the future.
Please continue to pray for our missionaries and the work God had prepared them to do!
How can you serve in 2023 and beyond?
2022 Treasurer Highlights
Donations to the general fund exceeded budget for 2022 by approx. $91,000 and donations to the building fund totaled $82,000. Some of which was designated to the building Reno Project.
General offerings so far for 2023, are tracking on or about budget.
Bank balance of $305,000 at the end of 2022, which is an increase of $75,000 over 2021.
Excess of income over expenses in the general fund amounted to $106,035. Operating and Ministry expenses were on budget overall, although there was some variability to budget for some items such as Utilities and Maintenance.
In the process of implementing new accounting software. This will improve the overall efficiency of the general bookkeeping function.
Transitioning banks from TD to RBC.
Switched our payroll function to ADP. Eliminating the need to write cheques to staff and manually remitting withholding taxes.